Module huracan.engine
Huracan engine elements
Expand source code
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2024 Antonio López Rivera <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
Huracan engine elements
import re
import types
import warnings
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from huracan.constants import R
from huracan import component_codes
from huracan.physical_quantities import physical_quantities
from huracan.utils import markers, join_set_distance, delta, colorscheme_one
class component_set_constructor(type):
Set metaclass
Ensure all necessary methods are implemented in child classes.
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, body):
for method in ['add_component', 'add_set']:
if method not in body:
raise TypeError(f'set_of_components class build error: {method} method must be implemented in set_of_components child classes.')
return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, body)
class stream_set_constructor(type):
Superset metaclass
Ensure all necessary methods are implemented in child classes.
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, body):
for method in ['gobble']:
if method not in body:
raise TypeError(f'set_of_streams class build error: {method} method must be implemented in set_of_streams child classes.')
return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, body)
class set_of_components:
Component set class
def __sub__(self, other):
Set concatenation operator: <set> - <component/set>
if isinstance(other, component):
return self
if isinstance(other, set_of_components):
return self.add_set(other)
def integrate_in_system(self):
Integrate stream in stream system
When a set (a stream) is integrated in a superset
(a system), all set methods with a homonimous
superset method are renamed as protected
instance attributes, and their original names are
taken by pointers to the homonimous superset methods.
special = r'^__(.*?)\__$'
def takeover(obj, method):
if hasattr(obj.superset, method):
return getattr(obj.superset, method)
return getattr(obj, '_' + method)
for k in dir(self):
v = getattr(self, k)
# If the attribute k is:
# - a method
# - which is not special
# - whose name is the name of another method in the stream's system
if isinstance(v, types.MethodType) and not re.match(special, k) and k in dir(self.superset):
if not hasattr(self, '_' + k):
# Create private method
setattr(self, '_' + k, v)
# Replace public method by takeover
setattr(self, k, takeover(self, k))
class set_of_streams:
Component superset class
def __call__(self, *args):
Superset set addition operator: <superset>(<list of sets>)
The gobble function must be implemented by the superset
child class (system).
:type args: set
class component:
def __sub__(self, other):
Stream creation operator: <component> - <component>
if isinstance(other, component):
s = stream()-other
return s
def __call__(self, gas):
Component transfer function execution
p =
for k, v in p.__dict__.items():
if k[-2:] == '01':
k = k[0] + '0'
setattr(self, k, v)
# Gas state variables
for sv in ['V', 'S', 'H']:
setattr(self, sv, getattr(gas, sv))
class shaft:
def __init__(self, *args, eta, eta_gearbox=1):
:param args: list of components connected by the shaft.
:param eta: mechanical efficiency of the shaft.
:type args: component
:type eta: float
self.eta = eta
self.eta_gearbox = eta_gearbox
self.components = list(args)
for c in args:
c.shaft = self
def w_exerting_machinery(self):
Return a list of all components in the shaft
which exert work on the flow. That is, instances
of the fan and compressor classes.
return [c for c in self.components if c.__class__.__name__ in ['fan',
def electrical_plants(self):
return [c for c in self.components if c.__class__.__name__ in ['power_plant']]
def w_r(self):
Obtain the work required by the components which
exert work on the gas (fan, compressors).
wem = self.w_exerting_machinery()
assert all([hasattr(c, 'w') for c in wem]), \
"The shaft's work exerting components do not have " \
"a work attribute: ensure the streams to which each " \
"belongs have been run up to the respective work " \
"exerting component."
work = np.array([c.w/self.eta_gearbox if c.__class__.__name__ in ['fan', 'prop', 'propfan']
else c.w for c in wem])
etas = np.array([c.shaft.eta for c in wem])
w_r_m = np.sum(work/etas) # Power required by work exerting components
electrical = self.electrical_plants() # FIXME: ugly
w_r_e = sum([c.w_r for c in electrical]) # Power required by all electrical plants
return w_r_m + w_r_e
class stream(set_of_components, metaclass=component_set_constructor):
def __init__(self,
:param fr: Fraction of the gas instance passed
to the stream which physically enters
the stream.
This is useful so the original gas
instance can be passed to child streams
in a stream diversion process.
In this way, the gas attribute of the
child streams points to the original
stream's gas instance until the moment
the child streams are run: at this
time, a deep copy of the original gas
instance is created, and the mass flow
multiplied by _fr_ to reflect the mass
flow actually flowing in the child stream.
:param parents: Parent streams.
- If parents includes 2 or more streams,
they will be merged at runtime.
:type gas: gas
:type fr: float
:type parents: list of stream
self.stream_id = [0]
self.components = []
self.downstream = [self]
self.ran = False
if not isinstance(gas, type(None)):
self.gas = gas
if not isinstance(parents, type(None)):
self.parents = parents
# Runtime dictionary
self.runtime_d = {}
if not isinstance(fr, type(None)):
self.runtime_d['fr'] = fr
def __call__(self, gas):
self.gas = gas
return self
def __mul__(self, other):
Stream diversion operator: <stream> * n for n: 0 =< float =< 1
return self.divert(other)
def __getitem__(self, item):
Component retrieval operator: <stream>[<component stage name>]
return self.retrieve(item)
Operator functions
def add_component(self, c):
Component addition
c.downstream = self.downstream = c.set = self
def add_set(self, s):
Stream addition
assert hasattr(self, 'gas') and hasattr(s, 'gas'), 'Both streams must have a gas attribute for' \
'the stream merge operation to be possible.'
n = max(self.stream_id[0], s.stream_id[0]) # Get largest stream_id
self.stream_id[0] = s.stream_id[0] = n # Set largest stream_id for both merging streams
merged = stream(parents=[self, s])
merged.stream_id[0] = n + 1
if hasattr(self, 'system') and hasattr(s, 'system'):
self.superset = self.system = s.system = merged.system = self.system + s.system
elif hasattr(self, 'system'):
self.system(s, merged)
elif hasattr(s, 'system'):
s.system(self, merged)
system(self, s, merged)
return merged
def divert(self, fr, names=None):
Stream diversion
assert hasattr(self, 'gas'), 'The stream must have a gas attribute for' \
'the stream diversion operation to be possible.'
main = stream(deepcopy(self.gas), fr=fr, parents=[self])
div = stream(deepcopy(self.gas), fr=1-fr, parents=[self])
# Stream ID
main.stream_id[0] = self.stream_id[0] + 1
div.stream_id[0] = self.stream_id[0] + 1
# Diverted stream IDs
if not isinstance(names, type(None)):
mf_matrix = np.array([[ * fr, main],
[ * (1-fr), div]])
mf_matrix = mf_matrix[mf_matrix[:, 0].argsort()]
for i in range(mf_matrix[:, 1].size):
sub_id = 'm' if i == 0 else f's{i}' if i > 1 else 's'
mf_matrix[i, 1].stream_id.append(sub_id)
if hasattr(self, 'system'):
self.system(main, div)
main.system = div.system = self.system
system(self, main, div)
return main, div
def retrieve(self, item):
Retrieve any stream component by its stage name.
:type item: str
assert item in self.stages(), 'Specified a non-existent stage.'
for c in self.components:
if c.stage == item:
return c
def stages(self):
Return a list containing the stage name of each
component in the stream.
return [c.stage for c in self.components]
def stage_name(self, c):
Return the stage name of a component in the stream,
composed of the stream identification number, a code
representing its parent class, and a numerical index
if there are more than 1 components of the same class
in the stream.
code = component_codes[c.__class__.__name__] + self.n_instances(c)
return f'{".".join([str(c) for c in self.stream_id])}.{code}'
def n_instances(self, comp):
Calculate the number of instances of a given component's
parent class in the stream (n), and its index in the
stream's components list (i).
The index of the component is returned as follows:
- If the given component is the only instance of its parent
class in the stream (n = 1):
- '' (empty string)
- If the given component is one of more instances of its
parent class in the stream (n > 1):
- str(i + 1) (numeral starting at 1)
:type comp: component
i = 0 # Component index
n = 0 # Number of instances of the input component's class in the stream
for c in self.components:
if comp is c:
i = n
if comp.__class__.__name__ == c.__class__.__name__:
n += 1
return '' if n == 1 else str(i + 1)
def log(self):
d = 9
for c in self.components:
section_name = join_set_distance(c.stage, c.__class__.__name__.capitalize().replace("_", " "), d)
if c.__class__.__name__ == 'nozzle':
if c.choked:
print(' '*d + 'Choked flow')
print(f'{" "*d} T0 {str(c.t0)[:10]} [K]')
print(f'{" "*d} p0 {str(c.p0)[:10]} [Pa]')
Stream runtime functions
def run(self, log=True):
Execute the transfer functions of all components in the stream
on the instance's gas class instance.
assert hasattr(self, 'gas'), 'stream does not have a gas attribute.'
self.choked = False # FIXME: choked flow implementation is ugly
for c in self.components:
c(self.gas) # Run thermodynamic process on stream gas
c.stage = self.stage_name(c) # Set component stage name
if hasattr(c, 'choked') and c.choked: # FIXME: ugly
self.choked = c.choked
# Indicate stream has been run.
self.ran = True
if log:
def runtime(self):
if hasattr(self, 'parents') and len(self.parents) > 1:
for k, v in self.runtime_d.items():
f = getattr(self, k)
def merge(self):
if hasattr(self, 'gas'):
for s in self.parents:
self.gas += s.gas
self.gas = self.parents[0].gas
for s in self.parents[1:]:
self.gas += s.gas
def fr(self, fr):
self.gas, _ = fr * deepcopy(self.gas)
Stream fluid state
def t0(self):
Total temperature vector.
assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the total temperature at each stage'
return np.array([c.t0 for c in self.components])
def p0(self):
Total pressure vector.
assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the total pressure at each stage'
return np.array([c.p0 for c in self.components])
def V(self):
Specific volume vector.
assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the specific volume at each stage'
return np.array([c.V for c in self.components])
def S(self):
Specific entropy vector.
assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the specific entropy at each stage'
return np.array([c.S for c in self.components])
def H(self):
Specific enthalpy vector.
assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the specific entropy at each stage'
return np.array([c.H for c in self.components])
Stream outlet flow characteristics
def v_exit(self):
Flow exit velocity
- If the flow is not choked:
The thermal energy lost by the gas as it leaves the nozzle
is transformed into kinetic energy without losses.
- If the flow is choked:
The exit velocity is the velocity of sound before the nozzle
# Absolute temperature before the stream exit (likely but not necessarily a nozzle)
if len(self.components) > 1:
# If the stream has more components than 1, the absolute temperature
# after the component previous to the last one is taken.
if self.components[-1].__class__.__name__ == 'nozzle':
t_before_exit = self.components[-2].t0
t_before_exit = self.components[-1].t0
if hasattr(self, 'parents'):
# If the stream has a single component and a parent stream or streams
if len(self.parents) > 1:
# If the stream has more than a single parent stream, the gases
# of each parent are copied, merged and the absolute temperature
# of the resulting gas mixture is taken.
for i in range(len(self.parents)):
if i == 0:
g = deepcopy(self.parents[i].gas)
g += deepcopy(self.parents[i].gas)
t_before_exit = g.t0
# If the stream has a single parent, the absolute temperature
# of the parent's gas is taken.
t_before_exit = self.parents[0].gas.t0
# Is the stream has a single component and no parent streams,
# it is assumed that the setup consists of a intake-nozzle
# setup, and the absolute temperature of the moving gas is
# taken.
t_before_exit = deepcopy(self.gas).absolute().t01
if self.choked:
return (self.gas.k(t_before_exit)*R*t_before_exit)**0.5 # M=1 immediately before nozzle exit
assert t_before_exit - self.gas.t0 > 0, 'The total temperature of the flow is lower before ' \
'the nozzle tha outside the engine: this happens due to the ' \
'compressors not providing enough energy to the flow. You must ' \
'either increase the pressure ratio of the compressors or ' \
'decrease the power extracted from the flow to solve the ' \
return (2*self.gas.cp(t_before_exit)*(t_before_exit - self.gas.t0))**0.5 # Heat -> Kinetic energy
def A_exit(self):
Nozzle exit area
Fuel consumption
def fmf(self):
Stream fuel mass flow
fmf = 0
for c in self.components:
if hasattr(c, 'fuel') and hasattr(c.fuel, 'mf'):
fmf +=
return fmf
Thrust and specific fuel consumption
def thrust_flow(self):
Flow thrust
If the flow is choked, the expansion of the gas contributes to the thrust of the flow.
if self.choked:
return * (self.v_exit() - self.gas.v_0) + self.A_exit() * (
self.gas.p0 - self.gas.p_0)
return * (self.v_exit() - self.gas.v_0)
def thrust_prop(self):
Propeller/propfan thrust
if any([c.__class__.__name__ in ['prop', 'propfan'] for c in self.components]):
propellers = [c for c in self.components if c.__class__.__name__ in ['prop', 'propfan']]
thrust_prop = sum([prop.thrust(self.gas.v_0) for prop in propellers])
thrust_prop = 0
return thrust_prop
def thrust_total(self):
Flow thrust plus propeller/propfan thrust
return self.thrust_flow() + self.thrust_prop()
def sfc(self):
Specific fuel consumption
if hasattr(self, 'system'):
return self._fmf()/self._thrust_flow()
return self.fmf()/self.thrust_flow()
Heat and work
def Q_in(self): #TODO: verify efficiency calculations
Heat provided to the flow.
q_provided = 0
for c in self.components:
if c.__class__.__name__ == 'combustion_chamber':
q_provided += c.Q
return q_provided
def W_req(self):
Work required from the flow.
w_required = 0
for c in self.components:
if c.__class__.__name__ in ['fan',
w_required += c.w
return w_required
def power_jet(self):
Stream jet power.
return 1/2*(*self.v_exit()**2 - ( - self.fmf())*self.gas.v_0**2)
def power_available(self):
Stream available power.
if hasattr(self, 'system'):
return self._efficiency_prop()*self._power_jet()
return self.efficiency_prop()*self.power_jet()
def efficiency_thermal(self):
Stream thermal efficiency
if hasattr(self, 'system'):
return self._power_jet()/self._Q_in()
return self.power_jet()/self.Q_in()
def efficiency_prop(self):
Stream propulsive efficiency.
return 2/(1+self.v_exit()/self.gas.v_0) if self.gas.v_0 > 0 else 0
def efficiency_total(self):
if hasattr(self, 'system'):
return self._power_available()/self._Q_in()
return self.power_available()/self.Q_in()
def plot_T_S(self,
warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_T_S(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="S", "y=t0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
Temperature-Entropy stream plot.
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))
defaults = {'label_x': r'$\Delta$S [kJ/K/n]',
'label_y': r'T$_0$ [K]',}
further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs}
self.plot_cycle_graph(self.S()/1000, self.t0(),
# Further customization
def plot_p_V(self,
warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_p_V(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="V", "y=p0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
Pressure-Volume stream plot.
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))
defaults = {'label_x': 'v$_0$ [m$^3$/n]',
'label_y': 'p$_0$ [kPa]'}
further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs}
self.plot_cycle_graph(self.V(), self.p0()/1000,
# Further customization
def plot_H_p(self,
warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_H_p(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="p0", y="H", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
Pressure-Enthalpy stream plot.
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))
defaults = {'label_x': 'p$_0$ [kPa]',
'label_y': 'H$_0$ [kJ]',}
further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs}
self.plot_cycle_graph(self.p0()/1000, self.H()/1000,
# Further customization
def plot_T_p(self,
warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_T_p(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="V", "y=p0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
Temperature-Pressure system plot.
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))
defaults = {'label_x': 'p$_0$ [kPa]',
'label_y': 'T$_0$ [K]'}
further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs}
self.plot_cycle_graph(self.p0()/1000, self.t0(),
# Further customization
def plot(self,
x, y,
Create a cycle plot of two physical quantities of the stream.
name_x_default, label_x_default, scale_x_default = physical_quantities[x]
name_y_default, label_y_default, scale_y_default = physical_quantities[y]
scale_x = scale_x_default if isinstance(scale_x, type(None)) else scale_x
scale_y = scale_y_default if isinstance(scale_y, type(None)) else scale_y
label_x = label_x_default if isinstance(label_x, type(None)) else label_x
label_y = label_y_default if isinstance(label_y, type(None)) else label_y
x = getattr(self, x) * scale_x
y = getattr(self, y) * scale_y
defaults = {'label_x': label_x,
'label_y': label_y}
further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs}
x, y,
# Further customization
def plot_cycle_graph(self,
x, y,
label_x, label_y,
General plot composed of an MPL Plotter line and scatter plot.
The default arguments plus any valid MPL Plotter line plotting
class arguments can be passed to this function.
fig = kwargs.pop('fig', None)
plt.plot(x, y,
marker=kwargs.get('marker', 'x'), markeredgecolor=delta(color, -0.3), markersize=8, markeredgewidth=2, markerfacecolor=kwargs.get('facecolors', color),
zorder=kwargs.get('zorder', 0) + 2.5,
plt.scatter(x, y,
marker=kwargs.get('marker', 'x'), s=55,
edgecolor=delta(color, -0.3), linewidth=1.5,
facecolor=kwargs.get('facecolors', color),
zorder=kwargs.get('zorder', 0) + 1e2,
ax = plt.gca()
if label_x is not None: ax.set_xlabel(label_x)
if label_y is not None: ax.set_ylabel(label_y)
if show:
class system(set_of_streams, metaclass=stream_set_constructor):
def __init__(self, *args):
Create a system from two objects.
:type args: stream
self.streams = []
def __add__(self, other):
System addition operator: <system> + <stream/system>
:type other: system
streams = list(set(self.streams) & set(other.streams))
return system(*streams)
def __getitem__(self, item):
Component retrieval operator: <system>[<component stage name>]
return self.retrieve(item)
Operator functions
def gobble(self, streams):
:type streams: list of stream
for s in streams:
s.superset = s.system = self
def retrieve(self, item):
Retrieve any stream component by its stage name.
:type item: str
components = []
for s in self.streams:
components += s.components
assert item in [c.stage for c in components], 'Specified a non-existent stage.'
for c in components:
if c.stage == item:
return c
System functions
def run(self, log=True):
Run stream system.
n = 0
while not all([s.ran for s in self.streams]):
for s in self.streams:
if s.stream_id[0] == n:
n += 1
def sort_streams(self):
Sort system streams based on their stream ID
ids = [''.join(str(c) for c in stream.stream_id) for stream in self.streams]
indexes = [float(id.replace('m', '.1').replace('s', '.2')) for id in ids]
self.streams = [s for _, s in sorted(zip(indexes, self.streams))]
def parents(self):
Return all system streams with children.
Useful to not calculate thrust, exit velocity
and other stream outlet values for streams
flowing to children streams.
parents = []
for s in self.streams:
parents += s.parents if hasattr(s, 'parents') else []
return parents
Fuel consumption
def fmf(self):
System fuel mass flow.
return sum([s._fmf() for s in self.streams])
Thrust and specific fuel consumption
def thrust_flow(self):
System flow thrust.
return sum([s._thrust_flow() for s in self.streams if s not in self.parents()])
def thrust_prop(self):
System propeller thrust
return sum([s._thrust_prop() for s in self.streams])
def thrust_total(self):
System total thrust.
return self.thrust_flow() + self.thrust_prop()
def sfc(self):
System specific fuel consumption.
return self.fmf()/self.thrust_flow()
Heat and work
def Q_in(self): # TODO: verify efficiency calculations
Heat provided to the flow.
return sum([s._Q_in() for s in self.streams])
def W_req(self):
Work required from the flow.
return sum([s._W_req() for s in self.streams])
def power_jet(self):
Stream jet power.
return sum([s._power_jet() for s in self.streams if s not in self.parents()])
def power_available(self):
Stream available power.
return sum([s._power_available() for s in self.streams if s not in self.parents()])
def efficiency_prop(self):
System propulsive efficiency.
return self.power_available()/self.power_jet()
def efficiency_thermal(self):
System thermal efficiency.
return self.power_jet()/self.Q_in()
def efficiency_total(self):
System total efficiency.
return self.power_available()/self.Q_in()
def plot(self,
x, y,
scale_x=None, scale_y=None,
label_x=None, label_y=None,
plot_label=None, # When called from a _system_takeover the plot_label and color
color=colorscheme_one()[0], # arguments are passed to the function, but disregarded.
System plot
x and y are the stream parameters to be
plotted for each stream.
1. Create figure
2. Create state variable and plotters vectors
2.1 Parent connectors
3. comparison call
comparison call
- fig=None, ax=None -> plot_cycle_graph -> fig in **kwargs keys
- fig=None, ax=None -> line, scatter
- line, scatter plot onto active figure, axis
:param scale_x: Scaling factor.
:param scale_y: Scaling factor.
:type x: str
:type y: str
:type scale_x: float
:type scale_y: float
plotters = []
x_system = []
y_system = []
defaults = {'legend': kwargs.pop('legend', True)}
name_x_default, label_x_default, scale_x_default = physical_quantities[x]
name_y_default, label_y_default, scale_y_default = physical_quantities[y]
scale_x = scale_x_default if isinstance(scale_x, type(None)) else scale_x
scale_y = scale_y_default if isinstance(scale_y, type(None)) else scale_y
label_x = label_x_default if isinstance(label_x, type(None)) else label_x
label_y = label_y_default if isinstance(label_y, type(None)) else label_y
# 1. Create figure
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))
# 2. Create state variable and plotters vectors
for i, stream in enumerate(self.streams):
# Plot defaults
subplot_defaults = {
'plot_label': f'{".".join([str(c) for c in stream.stream_id])}',
'label_x': label_x,
'label_y': label_y,
'color': colorscheme_one()[self.streams.index(stream)],
'zorder': self.streams.index(stream)
if colorblind:
m = markers(hollow=True)
marker = m[self.streams.index(stream)]
subplot_defaults = {**subplot_defaults, **marker}
def gen_plotter(**defaults):
Returns a plotter using the defaults.
Any keyword arguments passed to the
_plot function overwrite the defaults.
return lambda x, y, **kwargs: stream.plot_cycle_graph(x=x, y=y, **{**defaults, **kwargs})
x_stream = getattr(stream, x)()*scale_x
y_stream = getattr(stream, y)()*scale_y
# 2.1 Parent connectors
if hasattr(stream, 'parents'):
for parent in stream.parents:
x_parent = getattr(parent, x)()*scale_x
y_parent = getattr(parent, y)()*scale_y
# If the parent stream has no stages, get parent stream's gas state
p_x = x_parent[-1] if len(x_parent) != 0 else getattr(parent.gas, x)*scale_x
p_y = y_parent[-1] if len(y_parent) != 0 else getattr(parent.gas, y)*scale_y
# Connector
if len(stream.components) > 0:
x_system.append(np.array([p_x, x_stream[0]]))
y_system.append(np.array([p_y, y_stream[0]]))
connector_args = {
'color': subplot_defaults['color'],
'zorder': self.streams.index(stream),
'plot_label': None,
'label_x': None,
'label_y': None,
'marker': '',
'zorder': 0
if colorblind:
connector_args = {**connector_args}
# 2.2 Remove streams with no stages
mask_x = np.array([a.size != 0 for a in x_system])
mask_y = np.array([a.size != 0 for a in y_system])
mask = mask_x * mask_y # Ensure that any x-y array pairs with an empty array are removed
x_system = np.array(x_system, dtype='object')[mask].tolist()
y_system = np.array(y_system, dtype='object')[mask].tolist()
plotters = np.array(plotters, dtype='object')[mask].tolist()
# 4. Plot all
for i, plotter in enumerate(plotters):
plotter(x_system[i], y_system[i], **{**kwargs, **defaults})
def plot_T_p(self,
warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_T_p(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="V", "y=p0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
Temperature-Pressure system plot.
args = locals()
args.pop('self', None)
args.pop('kwargs', None)
self.plot(x='p0', y='t0', **{**args, **kwargs})
def plot_p_V(self,
warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_p_V(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="V", "y=p0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
Pressure-Volume system plot.
args = locals()
args.pop('self', None)
args.pop('kwargs', None)
self.plot(x='V', y='p0', **{**args, **kwargs})
def plot_T_S(self,
warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_T_S(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="S", "y=t0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
Temperature-Entropy system plot.
args = locals()
args.pop('self', None)
args.pop('kwargs', None)
self.plot(x='S', y='t0', **{**args, **kwargs})
def plot_H_p(self,
warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_H_p(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="p0", y="H", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
Pressure-Enthalpy system plot.
args = locals()
args.pop('self', None)
args.pop('kwargs', None)
self.plot(x='p0', y='H', **{**args, **kwargs})
class component
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class component: """ Component --------- """ def __sub__(self, other): """ Stream creation operator: <component> - <component> """ if isinstance(other, component): s = stream()-other return s def __call__(self, gas): """ Component transfer function execution """ p = for k, v in p.__dict__.items(): if k[-2:] == '01': k = k[0] + '0' setattr(self, k, v) # Gas state variables for sv in ['V', 'S', 'H']: setattr(self, sv, getattr(gas, sv))
class component_set_constructor (*args, **kwargs)
Set Metaclass
Ensure all necessary methods are implemented in child classes.
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class component_set_constructor(type): """ Set metaclass ------------- Ensure all necessary methods are implemented in child classes. """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, body): for method in ['add_component', 'add_set']: if method not in body: raise TypeError(f'set_of_components class build error: {method} method must be implemented in set_of_components child classes.') return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, body)
- builtins.type
class set_of_components
Component set class
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class set_of_components: """ Component set class """ def __sub__(self, other): """ Set concatenation operator: <set> - <component/set> """ if isinstance(other, component): self.add_component(other) return self if isinstance(other, set_of_components): return self.add_set(other) def integrate_in_system(self): """ Integrate stream in stream system --------------------------------- When a set (a stream) is integrated in a superset (a system), all set methods with a homonimous superset method are renamed as protected instance attributes, and their original names are taken by pointers to the homonimous superset methods. """ special = r'^__(.*?)\__$' def takeover(obj, method): if hasattr(obj.superset, method): return getattr(obj.superset, method) else: return getattr(obj, '_' + method) for k in dir(self): v = getattr(self, k) # If the attribute k is: # - a method # - which is not special # - whose name is the name of another method in the stream's system if isinstance(v, types.MethodType) and not re.match(special, k) and k in dir(self.superset): if not hasattr(self, '_' + k): # Create private method setattr(self, '_' + k, v) # Replace public method by takeover setattr(self, k, takeover(self, k))
def integrate_in_system(self)
Integrate Stream In Stream System
When a set (a stream) is integrated in a superset (a system), all set methods with a homonimous superset method are renamed as protected instance attributes, and their original names are taken by pointers to the homonimous superset methods.
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def integrate_in_system(self): """ Integrate stream in stream system --------------------------------- When a set (a stream) is integrated in a superset (a system), all set methods with a homonimous superset method are renamed as protected instance attributes, and their original names are taken by pointers to the homonimous superset methods. """ special = r'^__(.*?)\__$' def takeover(obj, method): if hasattr(obj.superset, method): return getattr(obj.superset, method) else: return getattr(obj, '_' + method) for k in dir(self): v = getattr(self, k) # If the attribute k is: # - a method # - which is not special # - whose name is the name of another method in the stream's system if isinstance(v, types.MethodType) and not re.match(special, k) and k in dir(self.superset): if not hasattr(self, '_' + k): # Create private method setattr(self, '_' + k, v) # Replace public method by takeover setattr(self, k, takeover(self, k))
class set_of_streams
Component superset class
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class set_of_streams: """ Component superset class """ def __call__(self, *args): """ Superset set addition operator: <superset>(<list of sets>) The gobble function must be implemented by the superset child class (system). :type args: set """ self.gobble(list(args))
class shaft (*args, eta, eta_gearbox=1)
:param args: list of components connected by the shaft. :param eta: mechanical efficiency of the shaft.
:type args: component :type eta: float
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class shaft: """ Shaft ----- """ def __init__(self, *args, eta, eta_gearbox=1): """ :param args: list of components connected by the shaft. :param eta: mechanical efficiency of the shaft. :type args: component :type eta: float """ self.eta = eta self.eta_gearbox = eta_gearbox self.components = list(args) for c in args: c.shaft = self def w_exerting_machinery(self): """ Return a list of all components in the shaft which exert work on the flow. That is, instances of the fan and compressor classes. """ return [c for c in self.components if c.__class__.__name__ in ['fan', 'prop', 'propfan', 'compressor']] def electrical_plants(self): return [c for c in self.components if c.__class__.__name__ in ['power_plant']] def w_r(self): """ Obtain the work required by the components which exert work on the gas (fan, compressors). """ wem = self.w_exerting_machinery() assert all([hasattr(c, 'w') for c in wem]), \ "The shaft's work exerting components do not have " \ "a work attribute: ensure the streams to which each " \ "belongs have been run up to the respective work " \ "exerting component." work = np.array([c.w/self.eta_gearbox if c.__class__.__name__ in ['fan', 'prop', 'propfan'] else c.w for c in wem]) etas = np.array([c.shaft.eta for c in wem]) w_r_m = np.sum(work/etas) # Power required by work exerting components electrical = self.electrical_plants() # FIXME: ugly w_r_e = sum([c.w_r for c in electrical]) # Power required by all electrical plants return w_r_m + w_r_e
def electrical_plants(self)
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def electrical_plants(self): return [c for c in self.components if c.__class__.__name__ in ['power_plant']]
def w_exerting_machinery(self)
Return a list of all components in the shaft which exert work on the flow. That is, instances of the fan and compressor classes.
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def w_exerting_machinery(self): """ Return a list of all components in the shaft which exert work on the flow. That is, instances of the fan and compressor classes. """ return [c for c in self.components if c.__class__.__name__ in ['fan', 'prop', 'propfan', 'compressor']]
def w_r(self)
Obtain the work required by the components which exert work on the gas (fan, compressors).
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def w_r(self): """ Obtain the work required by the components which exert work on the gas (fan, compressors). """ wem = self.w_exerting_machinery() assert all([hasattr(c, 'w') for c in wem]), \ "The shaft's work exerting components do not have " \ "a work attribute: ensure the streams to which each " \ "belongs have been run up to the respective work " \ "exerting component." work = np.array([c.w/self.eta_gearbox if c.__class__.__name__ in ['fan', 'prop', 'propfan'] else c.w for c in wem]) etas = np.array([c.shaft.eta for c in wem]) w_r_m = np.sum(work/etas) # Power required by work exerting components electrical = self.electrical_plants() # FIXME: ugly w_r_e = sum([c.w_r for c in electrical]) # Power required by all electrical plants return w_r_m + w_r_e
class stream (gas=None, parents=None, fr=None)
:param fr: Fraction of the gas instance passed to the stream which physically enters the stream. This is useful so the original gas instance can be passed to child streams in a stream diversion process. In this way, the gas attribute of the child streams points to the original stream's gas instance until the moment the child streams are run: at this time, a deep copy of the original gas instance is created, and the mass flow multiplied by fr to reflect the mass flow actually flowing in the child stream. :param parents: Parent streams. - If parents includes 2 or more streams, they will be merged at runtime.
:type gas: gas :type fr: float :type parents: list of stream
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class stream(set_of_components, metaclass=component_set_constructor): """ Stream ------ """ def __init__(self, gas=None, parents=None, fr=None): """ :param fr: Fraction of the gas instance passed to the stream which physically enters the stream. This is useful so the original gas instance can be passed to child streams in a stream diversion process. In this way, the gas attribute of the child streams points to the original stream's gas instance until the moment the child streams are run: at this time, a deep copy of the original gas instance is created, and the mass flow multiplied by _fr_ to reflect the mass flow actually flowing in the child stream. :param parents: Parent streams. - If parents includes 2 or more streams, they will be merged at runtime. :type gas: gas :type fr: float :type parents: list of stream """ self.stream_id = [0] self.components = [] self.downstream = [self] self.ran = False if not isinstance(gas, type(None)): self.gas = gas if not isinstance(parents, type(None)): self.parents = parents # Runtime dictionary self.runtime_d = {} if not isinstance(fr, type(None)): self.runtime_d['fr'] = fr """ Operators """ def __call__(self, gas): self.gas = gas return self def __mul__(self, other): """ Stream diversion operator: <stream> * n for n: 0 =< float =< 1 """ return self.divert(other) def __getitem__(self, item): """ Component retrieval operator: <stream>[<component stage name>] """ return self.retrieve(item) """ Operator functions """ def add_component(self, c): """ Component addition """ self.components.append(c) c.downstream = self.downstream = c.set = self def add_set(self, s): """ Stream addition """ assert hasattr(self, 'gas') and hasattr(s, 'gas'), 'Both streams must have a gas attribute for' \ 'the stream merge operation to be possible.' n = max(self.stream_id[0], s.stream_id[0]) # Get largest stream_id self.stream_id[0] = s.stream_id[0] = n # Set largest stream_id for both merging streams merged = stream(parents=[self, s]) merged.stream_id[0] = n + 1 if hasattr(self, 'system') and hasattr(s, 'system'): self.superset = self.system = s.system = merged.system = self.system + s.system self.system(merged) elif hasattr(self, 'system'): self.system(s, merged) elif hasattr(s, 'system'): s.system(self, merged) else: system(self, s, merged) return merged def divert(self, fr, names=None): """ Stream diversion """ assert hasattr(self, 'gas'), 'The stream must have a gas attribute for' \ 'the stream diversion operation to be possible.' main = stream(deepcopy(self.gas), fr=fr, parents=[self]) div = stream(deepcopy(self.gas), fr=1-fr, parents=[self]) # Stream ID main.stream_id[0] = self.stream_id[0] + 1 div.stream_id[0] = self.stream_id[0] + 1 # Diverted stream IDs if not isinstance(names, type(None)): main.stream_id.append(names[0]) div.stream_id.append(names[1]) else: mf_matrix = np.array([[ * fr, main], [ * (1-fr), div]]) mf_matrix = mf_matrix[mf_matrix[:, 0].argsort()] for i in range(mf_matrix[:, 1].size): sub_id = 'm' if i == 0 else f's{i}' if i > 1 else 's' mf_matrix[i, 1].stream_id.append(sub_id) if hasattr(self, 'system'): self.system(main, div) main.system = div.system = self.system else: system(self, main, div) return main, div def retrieve(self, item): """ Retrieve any stream component by its stage name. :type item: str """ assert item in self.stages(), 'Specified a non-existent stage.' for c in self.components: if c.stage == item: return c """ Utilities """ def stages(self): """ Return a list containing the stage name of each component in the stream. """ return [c.stage for c in self.components] def stage_name(self, c): """ Return the stage name of a component in the stream, composed of the stream identification number, a code representing its parent class, and a numerical index if there are more than 1 components of the same class in the stream. """ code = component_codes[c.__class__.__name__] + self.n_instances(c) return f'{".".join([str(c) for c in self.stream_id])}.{code}' def n_instances(self, comp): """ Calculate the number of instances of a given component's parent class in the stream (n), and its index in the stream's components list (i). The index of the component is returned as follows: - If the given component is the only instance of its parent class in the stream (n = 1): - '' (empty string) - If the given component is one of more instances of its parent class in the stream (n > 1): - str(i + 1) (numeral starting at 1) :type comp: component """ i = 0 # Component index n = 0 # Number of instances of the input component's class in the stream for c in self.components: if comp is c: i = n if comp.__class__.__name__ == c.__class__.__name__: n += 1 return '' if n == 1 else str(i + 1) def log(self): d = 9 for c in self.components: section_name = join_set_distance(c.stage, c.__class__.__name__.capitalize().replace("_", " "), d) print(section_name) if c.__class__.__name__ == 'nozzle': if c.choked: print(' '*d + 'Choked flow') print(f'{" "*d} T0 {str(c.t0)[:10]} [K]') print(f'{" "*d} p0 {str(c.p0)[:10]} [Pa]') """ Stream runtime functions """ def run(self, log=True): """ Execute the transfer functions of all components in the stream on the instance's gas class instance. """ self.runtime() assert hasattr(self, 'gas'), 'stream does not have a gas attribute.' self.choked = False # FIXME: choked flow implementation is ugly for c in self.components: c(self.gas) # Run thermodynamic process on stream gas c.stage = self.stage_name(c) # Set component stage name if hasattr(c, 'choked') and c.choked: # FIXME: ugly self.choked = c.choked # Indicate stream has been run. self.ran = True if log: self.log() def runtime(self): if hasattr(self, 'parents') and len(self.parents) > 1: self.merge() for k, v in self.runtime_d.items(): f = getattr(self, k) f(v) def merge(self): if hasattr(self, 'gas'): for s in self.parents: self.gas += s.gas else: self.gas = self.parents[0].gas for s in self.parents[1:]: self.gas += s.gas def fr(self, fr): self.gas, _ = fr * deepcopy(self.gas) """ Stream fluid state """ def t0(self): """ Total temperature vector. """ assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the total temperature at each stage' return np.array([c.t0 for c in self.components]) def p0(self): """ Total pressure vector. """ assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the total pressure at each stage' return np.array([c.p0 for c in self.components]) def V(self): """ Specific volume vector. """ assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the specific volume at each stage' return np.array([c.V for c in self.components]) def S(self): """ Specific entropy vector. """ assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the specific entropy at each stage' return np.array([c.S for c in self.components]) def H(self): """ Specific enthalpy vector. """ assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the specific entropy at each stage' return np.array([c.H for c in self.components]) """ Stream outlet flow characteristics """ def v_exit(self): """ Flow exit velocity Assumptions: - If the flow is not choked: The thermal energy lost by the gas as it leaves the nozzle is transformed into kinetic energy without losses. - If the flow is choked: The exit velocity is the velocity of sound before the nozzle exit. """ # Absolute temperature before the stream exit (likely but not necessarily a nozzle) if len(self.components) > 1: # If the stream has more components than 1, the absolute temperature # after the component previous to the last one is taken. if self.components[-1].__class__.__name__ == 'nozzle': t_before_exit = self.components[-2].t0 else: t_before_exit = self.components[-1].t0 else: if hasattr(self, 'parents'): # If the stream has a single component and a parent stream or streams if len(self.parents) > 1: # If the stream has more than a single parent stream, the gases # of each parent are copied, merged and the absolute temperature # of the resulting gas mixture is taken. for i in range(len(self.parents)): if i == 0: g = deepcopy(self.parents[i].gas) else: g += deepcopy(self.parents[i].gas) t_before_exit = g.t0 else: # If the stream has a single parent, the absolute temperature # of the parent's gas is taken. t_before_exit = self.parents[0].gas.t0 else: # Is the stream has a single component and no parent streams, # it is assumed that the setup consists of a intake-nozzle # setup, and the absolute temperature of the moving gas is # taken. t_before_exit = deepcopy(self.gas).absolute().t01 if self.choked: return (self.gas.k(t_before_exit)*R*t_before_exit)**0.5 # M=1 immediately before nozzle exit else: assert t_before_exit - self.gas.t0 > 0, 'The total temperature of the flow is lower before ' \ 'the nozzle tha outside the engine: this happens due to the ' \ 'compressors not providing enough energy to the flow. You must ' \ 'either increase the pressure ratio of the compressors or ' \ 'decrease the power extracted from the flow to solve the ' \ 'inconsistency.' return (2*self.gas.cp(t_before_exit)*(t_before_exit - self.gas.t0))**0.5 # Heat -> Kinetic energy def A_exit(self): """ Nozzle exit area """ return*R*self.gas.t0/(self.gas.p0*self.v_exit()) """ Fuel consumption """ def fmf(self): """ Stream fuel mass flow """ fmf = 0 for c in self.components: if hasattr(c, 'fuel') and hasattr(c.fuel, 'mf'): fmf += return fmf """ Thrust and specific fuel consumption """ def thrust_flow(self): """ Flow thrust If the flow is choked, the expansion of the gas contributes to the thrust of the flow. """ if self.choked: return * (self.v_exit() - self.gas.v_0) + self.A_exit() * ( self.gas.p0 - self.gas.p_0) else: return * (self.v_exit() - self.gas.v_0) def thrust_prop(self): """ Propeller/propfan thrust """ if any([c.__class__.__name__ in ['prop', 'propfan'] for c in self.components]): propellers = [c for c in self.components if c.__class__.__name__ in ['prop', 'propfan']] thrust_prop = sum([prop.thrust(self.gas.v_0) for prop in propellers]) else: thrust_prop = 0 return thrust_prop def thrust_total(self): """ Flow thrust plus propeller/propfan thrust """ return self.thrust_flow() + self.thrust_prop() def sfc(self): """ Specific fuel consumption """ if hasattr(self, 'system'): return self._fmf()/self._thrust_flow() else: return self.fmf()/self.thrust_flow() """ Heat and work """ def Q_in(self): #TODO: verify efficiency calculations """ Heat provided to the flow. """ q_provided = 0 for c in self.components: if c.__class__.__name__ == 'combustion_chamber': q_provided += c.Q return q_provided def W_req(self): """ Work required from the flow. """ w_required = 0 for c in self.components: if c.__class__.__name__ in ['fan', 'prop', 'propfan', 'compressor']: w_required += c.w return w_required """ Power """ def power_jet(self): """ Stream jet power. """ return 1/2*(*self.v_exit()**2 - ( - self.fmf())*self.gas.v_0**2) def power_available(self): """ Stream available power. """ if hasattr(self, 'system'): return self._efficiency_prop()*self._power_jet() else: return self.efficiency_prop()*self.power_jet() """ Efficiencies """ def efficiency_thermal(self): """ Stream thermal efficiency """ if hasattr(self, 'system'): return self._power_jet()/self._Q_in() else: return self.power_jet()/self.Q_in() def efficiency_prop(self): """ Stream propulsive efficiency. """ return 2/(1+self.v_exit()/self.gas.v_0) if self.gas.v_0 > 0 else 0 def efficiency_total(self): if hasattr(self, 'system'): return self._power_available()/self._Q_in() else: return self.power_available()/self.Q_in() """ Plots """ def plot_T_S(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_T_S(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="S", "y=t0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Temperature-Entropy stream plot. """ plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5)) defaults = {'label_x': r'$\Delta$S [kJ/K/n]', 'label_y': r'T$_0$ [K]',} further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs} self.plot_cycle_graph(self.S()/1000, self.t0(), color=color, plot_label=plot_label, show=show, # Further customization tick_label_decimals_y=2, **further_custom) def plot_p_V(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_p_V(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="V", "y=p0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Pressure-Volume stream plot. """ plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5)) defaults = {'label_x': 'v$_0$ [m$^3$/n]', 'label_y': 'p$_0$ [kPa]'} further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs} self.plot_cycle_graph(self.V(), self.p0()/1000, color=color, plot_label=plot_label, show=show, # Further customization tick_label_decimals_y=2, **further_custom) def plot_H_p(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_H_p(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="p0", y="H", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Pressure-Enthalpy stream plot. """ plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5)) defaults = {'label_x': 'p$_0$ [kPa]', 'label_y': 'H$_0$ [kJ]',} further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs} self.plot_cycle_graph(self.p0()/1000, self.H()/1000, color=color, plot_label=plot_label, show=show, # Further customization tick_label_decimals_y=2, **further_custom) def plot_T_p(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_T_p(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="V", "y=p0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Temperature-Pressure system plot. """ plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5)) defaults = {'label_x': 'p$_0$ [kPa]', 'label_y': 'T$_0$ [K]'} further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs} self.plot_cycle_graph(self.p0()/1000, self.t0(), color=color, plot_label=plot_label, show=show, # Further customization tick_label_decimals_x=2, **further_custom) def plot(self, x, y, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], **kwargs): """ Create a cycle plot of two physical quantities of the stream. """ name_x_default, label_x_default, scale_x_default = physical_quantities[x] name_y_default, label_y_default, scale_y_default = physical_quantities[y] scale_x = scale_x_default if isinstance(scale_x, type(None)) else scale_x scale_y = scale_y_default if isinstance(scale_y, type(None)) else scale_y label_x = label_x_default if isinstance(label_x, type(None)) else label_x label_y = label_y_default if isinstance(label_y, type(None)) else label_y x = getattr(self, x) * scale_x y = getattr(self, y) * scale_y defaults = {'label_x': label_x, 'label_y': label_y} further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs} self.plot_cycle_graph( x, y, color=color, plot_label=plot_label, show=show, # Further customization tick_label_decimals_x=2, **further_custom) def plot_cycle_graph(self, x, y, plot_label, label_x, label_y, color=colorscheme_one()[0], show=False, **kwargs ): """ General plot composed of an MPL Plotter line and scatter plot. The default arguments plus any valid MPL Plotter line plotting class arguments can be passed to this function. """ fig = kwargs.pop('fig', None) plt.plot(x, y, color=color, marker=kwargs.get('marker', 'x'), markeredgecolor=delta(color, -0.3), markersize=8, markeredgewidth=2, markerfacecolor=kwargs.get('facecolors', color), label=plot_label, zorder=kwargs.get('zorder', 0) + 2.5, ) plt.scatter(x, y, marker=kwargs.get('marker', 'x'), s=55, edgecolor=delta(color, -0.3), linewidth=1.5, facecolor=kwargs.get('facecolors', color), zorder=kwargs.get('zorder', 0) + 1e2, ) ax = plt.gca() if label_x is not None: ax.set_xlabel(label_x) if label_y is not None: ax.set_ylabel(label_y) if show:
def A_exit(self)
Nozzle exit area
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def A_exit(self): """ Nozzle exit area """ return*R*self.gas.t0/(self.gas.p0*self.v_exit())
def H(self)
Specific enthalpy vector.
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def H(self): """ Specific enthalpy vector. """ assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the specific entropy at each stage' return np.array([c.H for c in self.components])
def Q_in(self)
Heat provided to the flow.
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def Q_in(self): #TODO: verify efficiency calculations """ Heat provided to the flow. """ q_provided = 0 for c in self.components: if c.__class__.__name__ == 'combustion_chamber': q_provided += c.Q return q_provided
def S(self)
Specific entropy vector.
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def S(self): """ Specific entropy vector. """ assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the specific entropy at each stage' return np.array([c.S for c in self.components])
def V(self)
Specific volume vector.
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def V(self): """ Specific volume vector. """ assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the specific volume at each stage' return np.array([c.V for c in self.components])
def W_req(self)
Work required from the flow.
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def W_req(self): """ Work required from the flow. """ w_required = 0 for c in self.components: if c.__class__.__name__ in ['fan', 'prop', 'propfan', 'compressor']: w_required += c.w return w_required
def add_component(self, c)
Component addition
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def add_component(self, c): """ Component addition """ self.components.append(c) c.downstream = self.downstream = c.set = self
def add_set(self, s)
Stream addition
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def add_set(self, s): """ Stream addition """ assert hasattr(self, 'gas') and hasattr(s, 'gas'), 'Both streams must have a gas attribute for' \ 'the stream merge operation to be possible.' n = max(self.stream_id[0], s.stream_id[0]) # Get largest stream_id self.stream_id[0] = s.stream_id[0] = n # Set largest stream_id for both merging streams merged = stream(parents=[self, s]) merged.stream_id[0] = n + 1 if hasattr(self, 'system') and hasattr(s, 'system'): self.superset = self.system = s.system = merged.system = self.system + s.system self.system(merged) elif hasattr(self, 'system'): self.system(s, merged) elif hasattr(s, 'system'): s.system(self, merged) else: system(self, s, merged) return merged
def divert(self, fr, names=None)
Stream diversion
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def divert(self, fr, names=None): """ Stream diversion """ assert hasattr(self, 'gas'), 'The stream must have a gas attribute for' \ 'the stream diversion operation to be possible.' main = stream(deepcopy(self.gas), fr=fr, parents=[self]) div = stream(deepcopy(self.gas), fr=1-fr, parents=[self]) # Stream ID main.stream_id[0] = self.stream_id[0] + 1 div.stream_id[0] = self.stream_id[0] + 1 # Diverted stream IDs if not isinstance(names, type(None)): main.stream_id.append(names[0]) div.stream_id.append(names[1]) else: mf_matrix = np.array([[ * fr, main], [ * (1-fr), div]]) mf_matrix = mf_matrix[mf_matrix[:, 0].argsort()] for i in range(mf_matrix[:, 1].size): sub_id = 'm' if i == 0 else f's{i}' if i > 1 else 's' mf_matrix[i, 1].stream_id.append(sub_id) if hasattr(self, 'system'): self.system(main, div) main.system = div.system = self.system else: system(self, main, div) return main, div
def efficiency_prop(self)
Stream propulsive efficiency.
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def efficiency_prop(self): """ Stream propulsive efficiency. """ return 2/(1+self.v_exit()/self.gas.v_0) if self.gas.v_0 > 0 else 0
def efficiency_thermal(self)
Stream thermal efficiency
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def efficiency_thermal(self): """ Stream thermal efficiency """ if hasattr(self, 'system'): return self._power_jet()/self._Q_in() else: return self.power_jet()/self.Q_in()
def efficiency_total(self)
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def efficiency_total(self): if hasattr(self, 'system'): return self._power_available()/self._Q_in() else: return self.power_available()/self.Q_in()
def fmf(self)
Stream fuel mass flow
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def fmf(self): """ Stream fuel mass flow """ fmf = 0 for c in self.components: if hasattr(c, 'fuel') and hasattr(c.fuel, 'mf'): fmf += return fmf
def fr(self, fr)
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def fr(self, fr): self.gas, _ = fr * deepcopy(self.gas)
def log(self)
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def log(self): d = 9 for c in self.components: section_name = join_set_distance(c.stage, c.__class__.__name__.capitalize().replace("_", " "), d) print(section_name) if c.__class__.__name__ == 'nozzle': if c.choked: print(' '*d + 'Choked flow') print(f'{" "*d} T0 {str(c.t0)[:10]} [K]') print(f'{" "*d} p0 {str(c.p0)[:10]} [Pa]')
def merge(self)
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def merge(self): if hasattr(self, 'gas'): for s in self.parents: self.gas += s.gas else: self.gas = self.parents[0].gas for s in self.parents[1:]: self.gas += s.gas
def n_instances(self, comp)
Calculate the number of instances of a given component's parent class in the stream (n), and its index in the stream's components list (i).
The index of the component is returned as follows: - If the given component is the only instance of its parent class in the stream (n = 1): - '' (empty string) - If the given component is one of more instances of its parent class in the stream (n > 1): - str(i + 1) (numeral starting at 1)
:type comp: component
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def n_instances(self, comp): """ Calculate the number of instances of a given component's parent class in the stream (n), and its index in the stream's components list (i). The index of the component is returned as follows: - If the given component is the only instance of its parent class in the stream (n = 1): - '' (empty string) - If the given component is one of more instances of its parent class in the stream (n > 1): - str(i + 1) (numeral starting at 1) :type comp: component """ i = 0 # Component index n = 0 # Number of instances of the input component's class in the stream for c in self.components: if comp is c: i = n if comp.__class__.__name__ == c.__class__.__name__: n += 1 return '' if n == 1 else str(i + 1)
def p0(self)
Total pressure vector.
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def p0(self): """ Total pressure vector. """ assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the total pressure at each stage' return np.array([c.p0 for c in self.components])
def plot(self, x, y, show=False, plot_label=None, color='darkred', **kwargs)
Create a cycle plot of two physical quantities of the stream.
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def plot(self, x, y, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], **kwargs): """ Create a cycle plot of two physical quantities of the stream. """ name_x_default, label_x_default, scale_x_default = physical_quantities[x] name_y_default, label_y_default, scale_y_default = physical_quantities[y] scale_x = scale_x_default if isinstance(scale_x, type(None)) else scale_x scale_y = scale_y_default if isinstance(scale_y, type(None)) else scale_y label_x = label_x_default if isinstance(label_x, type(None)) else label_x label_y = label_y_default if isinstance(label_y, type(None)) else label_y x = getattr(self, x) * scale_x y = getattr(self, y) * scale_y defaults = {'label_x': label_x, 'label_y': label_y} further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs} self.plot_cycle_graph( x, y, color=color, plot_label=plot_label, show=show, # Further customization tick_label_decimals_x=2, **further_custom)
def plot_H_p(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color='darkred', **kwargs)
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def plot_H_p(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_H_p(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="p0", y="H", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Pressure-Enthalpy stream plot. """ plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5)) defaults = {'label_x': 'p$_0$ [kPa]', 'label_y': 'H$_0$ [kJ]',} further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs} self.plot_cycle_graph(self.p0()/1000, self.H()/1000, color=color, plot_label=plot_label, show=show, # Further customization tick_label_decimals_y=2, **further_custom)
def plot_T_S(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color='darkred', **kwargs)
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def plot_T_S(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_T_S(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="S", "y=t0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Temperature-Entropy stream plot. """ plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5)) defaults = {'label_x': r'$\Delta$S [kJ/K/n]', 'label_y': r'T$_0$ [K]',} further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs} self.plot_cycle_graph(self.S()/1000, self.t0(), color=color, plot_label=plot_label, show=show, # Further customization tick_label_decimals_y=2, **further_custom)
def plot_T_p(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color='darkred', **kwargs)
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def plot_T_p(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_T_p(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="V", "y=p0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Temperature-Pressure system plot. """ plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5)) defaults = {'label_x': 'p$_0$ [kPa]', 'label_y': 'T$_0$ [K]'} further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs} self.plot_cycle_graph(self.p0()/1000, self.t0(), color=color, plot_label=plot_label, show=show, # Further customization tick_label_decimals_x=2, **further_custom)
def plot_cycle_graph(self, x, y, plot_label, label_x, label_y, color='darkred', show=False, **kwargs)
General plot composed of an MPL Plotter line and scatter plot.
The default arguments plus any valid MPL Plotter line plotting class arguments can be passed to this function.
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def plot_cycle_graph(self, x, y, plot_label, label_x, label_y, color=colorscheme_one()[0], show=False, **kwargs ): """ General plot composed of an MPL Plotter line and scatter plot. The default arguments plus any valid MPL Plotter line plotting class arguments can be passed to this function. """ fig = kwargs.pop('fig', None) plt.plot(x, y, color=color, marker=kwargs.get('marker', 'x'), markeredgecolor=delta(color, -0.3), markersize=8, markeredgewidth=2, markerfacecolor=kwargs.get('facecolors', color), label=plot_label, zorder=kwargs.get('zorder', 0) + 2.5, ) plt.scatter(x, y, marker=kwargs.get('marker', 'x'), s=55, edgecolor=delta(color, -0.3), linewidth=1.5, facecolor=kwargs.get('facecolors', color), zorder=kwargs.get('zorder', 0) + 1e2, ) ax = plt.gca() if label_x is not None: ax.set_xlabel(label_x) if label_y is not None: ax.set_ylabel(label_y) if show:
def plot_p_V(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color='darkred', **kwargs)
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def plot_p_V(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_p_V(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="V", "y=p0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Pressure-Volume stream plot. """ plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5)) defaults = {'label_x': 'v$_0$ [m$^3$/n]', 'label_y': 'p$_0$ [kPa]'} further_custom = {**defaults, **kwargs} self.plot_cycle_graph(self.V(), self.p0()/1000, color=color, plot_label=plot_label, show=show, # Further customization tick_label_decimals_y=2, **further_custom)
def power_available(self)
Stream available power.
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def power_available(self): """ Stream available power. """ if hasattr(self, 'system'): return self._efficiency_prop()*self._power_jet() else: return self.efficiency_prop()*self.power_jet()
def power_jet(self)
Stream jet power.
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def power_jet(self): """ Stream jet power. """ return 1/2*(*self.v_exit()**2 - ( - self.fmf())*self.gas.v_0**2)
def retrieve(self, item)
Retrieve any stream component by its stage name.
:type item: str
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def retrieve(self, item): """ Retrieve any stream component by its stage name. :type item: str """ assert item in self.stages(), 'Specified a non-existent stage.' for c in self.components: if c.stage == item: return c
def run(self, log=True)
Execute the transfer functions of all components in the stream on the instance's gas class instance.
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def run(self, log=True): """ Execute the transfer functions of all components in the stream on the instance's gas class instance. """ self.runtime() assert hasattr(self, 'gas'), 'stream does not have a gas attribute.' self.choked = False # FIXME: choked flow implementation is ugly for c in self.components: c(self.gas) # Run thermodynamic process on stream gas c.stage = self.stage_name(c) # Set component stage name if hasattr(c, 'choked') and c.choked: # FIXME: ugly self.choked = c.choked # Indicate stream has been run. self.ran = True if log: self.log()
def runtime(self)
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def runtime(self): if hasattr(self, 'parents') and len(self.parents) > 1: self.merge() for k, v in self.runtime_d.items(): f = getattr(self, k) f(v)
def sfc(self)
Specific fuel consumption
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def sfc(self): """ Specific fuel consumption """ if hasattr(self, 'system'): return self._fmf()/self._thrust_flow() else: return self.fmf()/self.thrust_flow()
def stage_name(self, c)
Return the stage name of a component in the stream, composed of the stream identification number, a code representing its parent class, and a numerical index if there are more than 1 components of the same class in the stream.
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def stage_name(self, c): """ Return the stage name of a component in the stream, composed of the stream identification number, a code representing its parent class, and a numerical index if there are more than 1 components of the same class in the stream. """ code = component_codes[c.__class__.__name__] + self.n_instances(c) return f'{".".join([str(c) for c in self.stream_id])}.{code}'
def stages(self)
Return a list containing the stage name of each component in the stream.
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def stages(self): """ Return a list containing the stage name of each component in the stream. """ return [c.stage for c in self.components]
def t0(self)
Total temperature vector.
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def t0(self): """ Total temperature vector. """ assert self.ran, 'The stream must be run to obtain the total temperature at each stage' return np.array([c.t0 for c in self.components])
def thrust_flow(self)
Flow thrust
If the flow is choked, the expansion of the gas contributes to the thrust of the flow.
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def thrust_flow(self): """ Flow thrust If the flow is choked, the expansion of the gas contributes to the thrust of the flow. """ if self.choked: return * (self.v_exit() - self.gas.v_0) + self.A_exit() * ( self.gas.p0 - self.gas.p_0) else: return * (self.v_exit() - self.gas.v_0)
def thrust_prop(self)
Propeller/propfan thrust
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def thrust_prop(self): """ Propeller/propfan thrust """ if any([c.__class__.__name__ in ['prop', 'propfan'] for c in self.components]): propellers = [c for c in self.components if c.__class__.__name__ in ['prop', 'propfan']] thrust_prop = sum([prop.thrust(self.gas.v_0) for prop in propellers]) else: thrust_prop = 0 return thrust_prop
def thrust_total(self)
Flow thrust plus propeller/propfan thrust
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def thrust_total(self): """ Flow thrust plus propeller/propfan thrust """ return self.thrust_flow() + self.thrust_prop()
def v_exit(self)
Flow exit velocity
Assumptions: - If the flow is not choked: The thermal energy lost by the gas as it leaves the nozzle is transformed into kinetic energy without losses. - If the flow is choked: The exit velocity is the velocity of sound before the nozzle exit.
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def v_exit(self): """ Flow exit velocity Assumptions: - If the flow is not choked: The thermal energy lost by the gas as it leaves the nozzle is transformed into kinetic energy without losses. - If the flow is choked: The exit velocity is the velocity of sound before the nozzle exit. """ # Absolute temperature before the stream exit (likely but not necessarily a nozzle) if len(self.components) > 1: # If the stream has more components than 1, the absolute temperature # after the component previous to the last one is taken. if self.components[-1].__class__.__name__ == 'nozzle': t_before_exit = self.components[-2].t0 else: t_before_exit = self.components[-1].t0 else: if hasattr(self, 'parents'): # If the stream has a single component and a parent stream or streams if len(self.parents) > 1: # If the stream has more than a single parent stream, the gases # of each parent are copied, merged and the absolute temperature # of the resulting gas mixture is taken. for i in range(len(self.parents)): if i == 0: g = deepcopy(self.parents[i].gas) else: g += deepcopy(self.parents[i].gas) t_before_exit = g.t0 else: # If the stream has a single parent, the absolute temperature # of the parent's gas is taken. t_before_exit = self.parents[0].gas.t0 else: # Is the stream has a single component and no parent streams, # it is assumed that the setup consists of a intake-nozzle # setup, and the absolute temperature of the moving gas is # taken. t_before_exit = deepcopy(self.gas).absolute().t01 if self.choked: return (self.gas.k(t_before_exit)*R*t_before_exit)**0.5 # M=1 immediately before nozzle exit else: assert t_before_exit - self.gas.t0 > 0, 'The total temperature of the flow is lower before ' \ 'the nozzle tha outside the engine: this happens due to the ' \ 'compressors not providing enough energy to the flow. You must ' \ 'either increase the pressure ratio of the compressors or ' \ 'decrease the power extracted from the flow to solve the ' \ 'inconsistency.' return (2*self.gas.cp(t_before_exit)*(t_before_exit - self.gas.t0))**0.5 # Heat -> Kinetic energy
Inherited members
class stream_set_constructor (*args, **kwargs)
Superset Metaclass
Ensure all necessary methods are implemented in child classes.
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class stream_set_constructor(type): """ Superset metaclass ------------------ Ensure all necessary methods are implemented in child classes. """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, body): for method in ['gobble']: if method not in body: raise TypeError(f'set_of_streams class build error: {method} method must be implemented in set_of_streams child classes.') return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, body)
- builtins.type
class system (*args)
Create a system from two objects.
:type args: stream
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class system(set_of_streams, metaclass=stream_set_constructor): """ System ------ """ def __init__(self, *args): """ Create a system from two objects. :type args: stream """ self.streams = [] self.gobble(list(args)) """ Operators """ def __add__(self, other): """ System addition operator: <system> + <stream/system> :type other: system """ streams = list(set(self.streams) & set(other.streams)) return system(*streams) def __getitem__(self, item): """ Component retrieval operator: <system>[<component stage name>] """ return self.retrieve(item) """ Operator functions """ def gobble(self, streams): """ :type streams: list of stream """ for s in streams: self.streams.append(s) s.superset = s.system = self s.integrate_in_system() def retrieve(self, item): """ Retrieve any stream component by its stage name. :type item: str """ components = [] for s in self.streams: components += s.components assert item in [c.stage for c in components], 'Specified a non-existent stage.' for c in components: if c.stage == item: return c """ System functions """ def run(self, log=True): """ Run stream system. """ self.sort_streams() n = 0 while not all([s.ran for s in self.streams]): for s in self.streams: if s.stream_id[0] == n: s._run(log) n += 1 def sort_streams(self): """ Sort system streams based on their stream ID """ ids = [''.join(str(c) for c in stream.stream_id) for stream in self.streams] indexes = [float(id.replace('m', '.1').replace('s', '.2')) for id in ids] self.streams = [s for _, s in sorted(zip(indexes, self.streams))] def parents(self): """ Return all system streams with children. Useful to not calculate thrust, exit velocity and other stream outlet values for streams flowing to children streams. """ parents = [] for s in self.streams: parents += s.parents if hasattr(s, 'parents') else [] return parents """ Fuel consumption """ def fmf(self): """ System fuel mass flow. """ return sum([s._fmf() for s in self.streams]) """ Thrust and specific fuel consumption """ def thrust_flow(self): """ System flow thrust. """ return sum([s._thrust_flow() for s in self.streams if s not in self.parents()]) def thrust_prop(self): """ System propeller thrust """ return sum([s._thrust_prop() for s in self.streams]) def thrust_total(self): """ System total thrust. """ return self.thrust_flow() + self.thrust_prop() def sfc(self): """ System specific fuel consumption. """ return self.fmf()/self.thrust_flow() """ Heat and work """ def Q_in(self): # TODO: verify efficiency calculations """ Heat provided to the flow. """ return sum([s._Q_in() for s in self.streams]) def W_req(self): """ Work required from the flow. """ return sum([s._W_req() for s in self.streams]) """ Power """ def power_jet(self): """ Stream jet power. """ return sum([s._power_jet() for s in self.streams if s not in self.parents()]) def power_available(self): """ Stream available power. """ return sum([s._power_available() for s in self.streams if s not in self.parents()]) """ Efficiencies """ def efficiency_prop(self): """ System propulsive efficiency. """ return self.power_available()/self.power_jet() def efficiency_thermal(self): """ System thermal efficiency. """ return self.power_jet()/self.Q_in() def efficiency_total(self): """ System total efficiency. """ return self.power_available()/self.Q_in() """ Plots """ def plot(self, x, y, scale_x=None, scale_y=None, label_x=None, label_y=None, show=False, plot_label=None, # When called from a _system_takeover the plot_label and color color=colorscheme_one()[0], # arguments are passed to the function, but disregarded. colorblind=False, **kwargs): """ System plot ----------- x and y are the stream parameters to be plotted for each stream. Process 1. Create figure 2. Create state variable and plotters vectors 2.1 Parent connectors 3. comparison call comparison call - fig=None, ax=None -> plot_cycle_graph -> fig in **kwargs keys - fig=None, ax=None -> line, scatter - line, scatter plot onto active figure, axis :param scale_x: Scaling factor. :param scale_y: Scaling factor. :type x: str :type y: str :type scale_x: float :type scale_y: float """ plotters = [] x_system = [] y_system = [] defaults = {'legend': kwargs.pop('legend', True)} name_x_default, label_x_default, scale_x_default = physical_quantities[x] name_y_default, label_y_default, scale_y_default = physical_quantities[y] scale_x = scale_x_default if isinstance(scale_x, type(None)) else scale_x scale_y = scale_y_default if isinstance(scale_y, type(None)) else scale_y label_x = label_x_default if isinstance(label_x, type(None)) else label_x label_y = label_y_default if isinstance(label_y, type(None)) else label_y # 1. Create figure plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5)) # 2. Create state variable and plotters vectors for i, stream in enumerate(self.streams): # Plot defaults subplot_defaults = { 'plot_label': f'{".".join([str(c) for c in stream.stream_id])}', 'label_x': label_x, 'label_y': label_y, 'color': colorscheme_one()[self.streams.index(stream)], 'zorder': self.streams.index(stream) } if colorblind: m = markers(hollow=True) marker = m[self.streams.index(stream)] subplot_defaults = {**subplot_defaults, **marker} def gen_plotter(**defaults): """ Returns a plotter using the defaults. Any keyword arguments passed to the _plot function overwrite the defaults. """ return lambda x, y, **kwargs: stream.plot_cycle_graph(x=x, y=y, **{**defaults, **kwargs}) x_stream = getattr(stream, x)()*scale_x y_stream = getattr(stream, y)()*scale_y plotters.append(gen_plotter(**subplot_defaults)) x_system.append(x_stream) y_system.append(y_stream) # 2.1 Parent connectors if hasattr(stream, 'parents'): for parent in stream.parents: x_parent = getattr(parent, x)()*scale_x y_parent = getattr(parent, y)()*scale_y # If the parent stream has no stages, get parent stream's gas state p_x = x_parent[-1] if len(x_parent) != 0 else getattr(parent.gas, x)*scale_x p_y = y_parent[-1] if len(y_parent) != 0 else getattr(parent.gas, y)*scale_y # Connector if len(stream.components) > 0: x_system.append(np.array([p_x, x_stream[0]])) y_system.append(np.array([p_y, y_stream[0]])) connector_args = { 'color': subplot_defaults['color'], 'zorder': self.streams.index(stream), 'plot_label': None, 'label_x': None, 'label_y': None, 'marker': '', 'zorder': 0 } if colorblind: connector_args = {**connector_args} plotters.append(gen_plotter(**connector_args)) # 2.2 Remove streams with no stages mask_x = np.array([a.size != 0 for a in x_system]) mask_y = np.array([a.size != 0 for a in y_system]) mask = mask_x * mask_y # Ensure that any x-y array pairs with an empty array are removed x_system = np.array(x_system, dtype='object')[mask].tolist() y_system = np.array(y_system, dtype='object')[mask].tolist() plotters = np.array(plotters, dtype='object')[mask].tolist() # 4. Plot all for i, plotter in enumerate(plotters): plotter(x_system[i], y_system[i], **{**kwargs, **defaults}) plt.legend() def plot_T_p(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], colorblind=False, **kwargs ): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_T_p(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="V", "y=p0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Temperature-Pressure system plot. """ args = locals() args.pop('self', None) args.pop('kwargs', None) self.plot(x='p0', y='t0', **{**args, **kwargs}) def plot_p_V(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], colorblind=False, **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_p_V(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="V", "y=p0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Pressure-Volume system plot. """ args = locals() args.pop('self', None) args.pop('kwargs', None) self.plot(x='V', y='p0', **{**args, **kwargs}) def plot_T_S(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], colorblind=False, **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_T_S(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="S", "y=t0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Temperature-Entropy system plot. """ args = locals() args.pop('self', None) args.pop('kwargs', None) self.plot(x='S', y='t0', **{**args, **kwargs}) def plot_H_p(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], colorblind=False, **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_H_p(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="p0", y="H", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Pressure-Enthalpy system plot. """ args = locals() args.pop('self', None) args.pop('kwargs', None) self.plot(x='p0', y='H', **{**args, **kwargs})
def Q_in(self)
Heat provided to the flow.
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def Q_in(self): # TODO: verify efficiency calculations """ Heat provided to the flow. """ return sum([s._Q_in() for s in self.streams])
def W_req(self)
Work required from the flow.
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def W_req(self): """ Work required from the flow. """ return sum([s._W_req() for s in self.streams])
def efficiency_prop(self)
System propulsive efficiency.
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def efficiency_prop(self): """ System propulsive efficiency. """ return self.power_available()/self.power_jet()
def efficiency_thermal(self)
System thermal efficiency.
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def efficiency_thermal(self): """ System thermal efficiency. """ return self.power_jet()/self.Q_in()
def efficiency_total(self)
System total efficiency.
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def efficiency_total(self): """ System total efficiency. """ return self.power_available()/self.Q_in()
def fmf(self)
System fuel mass flow.
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def fmf(self): """ System fuel mass flow. """ return sum([s._fmf() for s in self.streams])
def gobble(self, streams)
:type streams: list of stream
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def gobble(self, streams): """ :type streams: list of stream """ for s in streams: self.streams.append(s) s.superset = s.system = self s.integrate_in_system()
def parents(self)
Return all system streams with children. Useful to not calculate thrust, exit velocity and other stream outlet values for streams flowing to children streams.
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def parents(self): """ Return all system streams with children. Useful to not calculate thrust, exit velocity and other stream outlet values for streams flowing to children streams. """ parents = [] for s in self.streams: parents += s.parents if hasattr(s, 'parents') else [] return parents
def plot(self, x, y, scale_x=None, scale_y=None, label_x=None, label_y=None, show=False, plot_label=None, color='darkred', colorblind=False, **kwargs)
System Plot
x and y are the stream parameters to be plotted for each stream.
Process 1. Create figure 2. Create state variable and plotters vectors 2.1 Parent connectors 3. comparison call
comparison call - fig=None, ax=None -> plot_cycle_graph -> fig in **kwargs keys - fig=None, ax=None -> line, scatter - line, scatter plot onto active figure, axis
:param scale_x: Scaling factor. :param scale_y: Scaling factor.
:type x: str :type y: str :type scale_x: float :type scale_y: float
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def plot(self, x, y, scale_x=None, scale_y=None, label_x=None, label_y=None, show=False, plot_label=None, # When called from a _system_takeover the plot_label and color color=colorscheme_one()[0], # arguments are passed to the function, but disregarded. colorblind=False, **kwargs): """ System plot ----------- x and y are the stream parameters to be plotted for each stream. Process 1. Create figure 2. Create state variable and plotters vectors 2.1 Parent connectors 3. comparison call comparison call - fig=None, ax=None -> plot_cycle_graph -> fig in **kwargs keys - fig=None, ax=None -> line, scatter - line, scatter plot onto active figure, axis :param scale_x: Scaling factor. :param scale_y: Scaling factor. :type x: str :type y: str :type scale_x: float :type scale_y: float """ plotters = [] x_system = [] y_system = [] defaults = {'legend': kwargs.pop('legend', True)} name_x_default, label_x_default, scale_x_default = physical_quantities[x] name_y_default, label_y_default, scale_y_default = physical_quantities[y] scale_x = scale_x_default if isinstance(scale_x, type(None)) else scale_x scale_y = scale_y_default if isinstance(scale_y, type(None)) else scale_y label_x = label_x_default if isinstance(label_x, type(None)) else label_x label_y = label_y_default if isinstance(label_y, type(None)) else label_y # 1. Create figure plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5)) # 2. Create state variable and plotters vectors for i, stream in enumerate(self.streams): # Plot defaults subplot_defaults = { 'plot_label': f'{".".join([str(c) for c in stream.stream_id])}', 'label_x': label_x, 'label_y': label_y, 'color': colorscheme_one()[self.streams.index(stream)], 'zorder': self.streams.index(stream) } if colorblind: m = markers(hollow=True) marker = m[self.streams.index(stream)] subplot_defaults = {**subplot_defaults, **marker} def gen_plotter(**defaults): """ Returns a plotter using the defaults. Any keyword arguments passed to the _plot function overwrite the defaults. """ return lambda x, y, **kwargs: stream.plot_cycle_graph(x=x, y=y, **{**defaults, **kwargs}) x_stream = getattr(stream, x)()*scale_x y_stream = getattr(stream, y)()*scale_y plotters.append(gen_plotter(**subplot_defaults)) x_system.append(x_stream) y_system.append(y_stream) # 2.1 Parent connectors if hasattr(stream, 'parents'): for parent in stream.parents: x_parent = getattr(parent, x)()*scale_x y_parent = getattr(parent, y)()*scale_y # If the parent stream has no stages, get parent stream's gas state p_x = x_parent[-1] if len(x_parent) != 0 else getattr(parent.gas, x)*scale_x p_y = y_parent[-1] if len(y_parent) != 0 else getattr(parent.gas, y)*scale_y # Connector if len(stream.components) > 0: x_system.append(np.array([p_x, x_stream[0]])) y_system.append(np.array([p_y, y_stream[0]])) connector_args = { 'color': subplot_defaults['color'], 'zorder': self.streams.index(stream), 'plot_label': None, 'label_x': None, 'label_y': None, 'marker': '', 'zorder': 0 } if colorblind: connector_args = {**connector_args} plotters.append(gen_plotter(**connector_args)) # 2.2 Remove streams with no stages mask_x = np.array([a.size != 0 for a in x_system]) mask_y = np.array([a.size != 0 for a in y_system]) mask = mask_x * mask_y # Ensure that any x-y array pairs with an empty array are removed x_system = np.array(x_system, dtype='object')[mask].tolist() y_system = np.array(y_system, dtype='object')[mask].tolist() plotters = np.array(plotters, dtype='object')[mask].tolist() # 4. Plot all for i, plotter in enumerate(plotters): plotter(x_system[i], y_system[i], **{**kwargs, **defaults}) plt.legend()
def plot_H_p(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color='darkred', colorblind=False, **kwargs)
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def plot_H_p(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], colorblind=False, **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_H_p(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="p0", y="H", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Pressure-Enthalpy system plot. """ args = locals() args.pop('self', None) args.pop('kwargs', None) self.plot(x='p0', y='H', **{**args, **kwargs})
def plot_T_S(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color='darkred', colorblind=False, **kwargs)
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def plot_T_S(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], colorblind=False, **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_T_S(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="S", "y=t0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Temperature-Entropy system plot. """ args = locals() args.pop('self', None) args.pop('kwargs', None) self.plot(x='S', y='t0', **{**args, **kwargs})
def plot_T_p(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color='darkred', colorblind=False, **kwargs)
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def plot_T_p(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], colorblind=False, **kwargs ): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_T_p(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="V", "y=p0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Temperature-Pressure system plot. """ args = locals() args.pop('self', None) args.pop('kwargs', None) self.plot(x='p0', y='t0', **{**args, **kwargs})
def plot_p_V(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color='darkred', colorblind=False, **kwargs)
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def plot_p_V(self, show=False, plot_label=None, color=colorscheme_one()[0], colorblind=False, **kwargs): warnings.warn('`<stream or system>.plot_p_V(...)` is deprecated in favor of `<stream or system>.plot(x="V", "y=p0", ...)` and will be removed from Huracan in the next major release', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) """ Pressure-Volume system plot. """ args = locals() args.pop('self', None) args.pop('kwargs', None) self.plot(x='V', y='p0', **{**args, **kwargs})
def power_available(self)
Stream available power.
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def power_available(self): """ Stream available power. """ return sum([s._power_available() for s in self.streams if s not in self.parents()])
def power_jet(self)
Stream jet power.
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def power_jet(self): """ Stream jet power. """ return sum([s._power_jet() for s in self.streams if s not in self.parents()])
def retrieve(self, item)
Retrieve any stream component by its stage name.
:type item: str
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def retrieve(self, item): """ Retrieve any stream component by its stage name. :type item: str """ components = [] for s in self.streams: components += s.components assert item in [c.stage for c in components], 'Specified a non-existent stage.' for c in components: if c.stage == item: return c
def run(self, log=True)
Run stream system.
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def run(self, log=True): """ Run stream system. """ self.sort_streams() n = 0 while not all([s.ran for s in self.streams]): for s in self.streams: if s.stream_id[0] == n: s._run(log) n += 1
def sfc(self)
System specific fuel consumption.
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def sfc(self): """ System specific fuel consumption. """ return self.fmf()/self.thrust_flow()
def sort_streams(self)
Sort system streams based on their stream ID
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def sort_streams(self): """ Sort system streams based on their stream ID """ ids = [''.join(str(c) for c in stream.stream_id) for stream in self.streams] indexes = [float(id.replace('m', '.1').replace('s', '.2')) for id in ids] self.streams = [s for _, s in sorted(zip(indexes, self.streams))]
def thrust_flow(self)
System flow thrust.
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def thrust_flow(self): """ System flow thrust. """ return sum([s._thrust_flow() for s in self.streams if s not in self.parents()])
def thrust_prop(self)
System propeller thrust
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def thrust_prop(self): """ System propeller thrust """ return sum([s._thrust_prop() for s in self.streams])
def thrust_total(self)
System total thrust.
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def thrust_total(self): """ System total thrust. """ return self.thrust_flow() + self.thrust_prop()